
Include <mln/core/algorithm/paste.hpp>

void paste(InputImage src, OutputImage dst)

Paste the values from the source image src to destination image dst considering the location. This is equivalent to the following code:

for (auto px : src.pixels())
    dst(px.point()) = px.val();

The source and destination images should not alias. This function has a parallel implementation, see following section for an example.

  • src – The source image

  • dst – The destination image

Template Parameters:


The domain of src must be include in the domain of dst.


  1. Paste a part of the image into a larger one:

    mln::image2d<mln::rgb8> f = lena();
    mln::image2d<mln::rgb8> g(f, mln::init());
    mln::box2d roi = {{50,50}, {100,100}};
    mln::paste(mln::view::clip(f, roi), g);
  2. Using parallel paste to paste a part of the image into a larger one:

    mln::image2d<mln::rgb8> f = lena();
    mln::image2d<mln::rgb8> g(f, mln::init());
    mln::box2d roi = {{50,50}, {100,100}};
    mln::parallel::paste(mln::view::clip(f, roi), g);


Linear in the number of pixels in src.