

While the next branch is not merged into the master branch, this installation guide works for the next branch ONLY, meaning it works ONLY for the unstable conan channel of Pylene.


In this part, we present 3 ways to set up the library. The first two ones aimed at a user wishing to consume the library in his project whereas the third one is aimed at a contributor wishing to work in the library itself.

Preliminaries (in all cases)

The library relies on the Conan package manager and the CMake build system generator. In this way, the first prerequisite is to install Conan. For this, just use the pip package installer this way

$ pip install conan>=2.0.1

Pylene is set up to use the modern version of Conan and does not accept Conan versions below 2.0.1. When Conan is installed, configure it by creating a default profile and adding the LRDE artifactory remote:

$ conan profile detect
$ conan remote add lrde-public

Pylene artifacts are stored in this lrde-public remote, as well as some prebuilt binaries of the dependencies to save some time when fetching the library.

Install from Conan (Preferred)

  1. First of all, set up a project by creating a CMakeLists.txt and a conanfile.txt. Below is an example of a conanfile.txt:



Some options may be added to the conanfile.txt followings the needs of the consumer project.

  1. Then, install the dependencies of the consumer project (in this case, only Pylene and its dependencies):

$ mkdir build && cd build
$ conan create .. -s build_type=Release -s compiler.cppstd=20 -s compiler.libcxx=libstdc++11 [--build missing --build openjpeg* [--build freeimage*]]

The --build argument are optional and may not be used if the package are already built. In the previous example, we are in the case where the dependencies have been download from the Conan Center. However, one can use the prebuilt libraries from the LRDE artifactory by adding the flag -r lrde-public.

If using the Conan Center, the usage of the openjpeg library may result in some linking error, because its binaries have been built on an older libc. In this case, the --build openjpeg* forces the library to be built from sources instead of using the prebuilt binary. However, if the FreeImage library has already been built, it may have no effect and you should also build the FreeImage library from sources.

3. Finally, when the CMake project is ready to configure the consuming project, execute the following command:

$ cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=./conan_toolchain.cmake

A sample project using this way to install Pylene is given in the Sample Project section of this page.

Install from sources

  1. Clone the Pylene repository:

$ git clone
  1. In the root of the project, execute the creation of the package:

$ conan create . --user lrde --channel stable -s build_type=Release -s compiler.cppstd=20 -s compiler.libcxx=libstdc++11 [--build missing --build openjpeg* [--build freeimage*]]

For more information about the optional --build flags, please refer to the Install from Conan (Preferred) part of this page.

Library development

  1. Clone the Pylene repository, create a build directory at the root of the repository and go into it:

$ git clone
$ mkdir pylene/build
$ cd pylene/build
  1. Install the dependencies Pylene:

$ conan install .. -s build_type=Debug -s compiler.cppstd=20 -s compiler.libcxx=libstdc++11 [--build missing --build openjpeg* [--build freeimage*]]

For more information about the optional --build flags, please refer to the Install from Conan (Preferred) part of this page.

  1. Configure the project with CMake:

$ cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=./conan_toolchain.cmake

or if at least CMake 3.23 is available:

$ cmake .. --preset conan-debug
  1. Build the project:

$ cmake --build . --target Pylene-core # To build the core library

or one can choose as a target a particular Pylene component.

  1. Build the tests:

$ cmake --build . --target build-tests # Build the tests
$ cmake --build . --target test # Execute the test suite
  1. Build this documentation:

$ cmake --build . --target build-doc


Pylene is divided into several components to be modular. These components are used in Conan and CMake. Below are the components:

  • pylene::core: contains the core library, without any input/output routines

  • pylene::io-freeimage: contains the IO routines for classic image formats. These ones are based on the FreeImage library. For more information, look at IO Module

  • pylene::io-fits: contains the routines to load FITS images. These ones are based on the cfitsio library.

  • pylene::scribo: contains features related to document analysis and processing.

Sample project

This sample project produces an executable taking into argument an image filename whose target image will be opened, eroded by a 2D square of size 10 and save the output image into a file out.png.

Here are the files used in this sample project with their content:


cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.23)

find_package(pylene REQUIRED)

add_executable(erosion-cli main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(erosion-cli PRIVATE Pylene::io-freeimage)
#include <mln/core/image/ndimage.hpp>
#include <mln/io/imread.hpp>
#include <mln/io/imsave.hpp>
#include <mln/morpho/erosion.hpp>
#include <mln/core/se/rect2d.hpp>

#include <iostream>

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    if (argc < 2)
        std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " input_image\n";
        return 1;

    mln::image2d<std::uint8_t> input;
    mln::io::imread(argv[1], input);
    const auto output = mln::morpho::erosion(input, mln::se::rect2d(10, 10));
    mln::io::imsave(output, "out.png");
    return 1;

To use it, execute the following commands:

$ mkdir build && cd build
$ conan install .. --output-folder=. -s build_type=Release -s compiler.cppstd=20 -s compiler.libcxx=libstdc++11 --build missing --build freeimage* --build openjpeg* # The --build are required when using the conan center openjpeg.
$ cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=./conan_toolchain.cmake
$ cmake --build .