Include <mln/core/algorithm/accumulate.hpp>
template<class V, class BinaryFunction>
V accumulate(InputImage in, V init, BinaryFunction op)
template<class V, class BinaryFunction>
template<class Accumulator>
auto accumulate(InputImage in, Accumulator accu)
template<class Accumulator>
template<class Accumulator>
auto accumulate(InputImage in, Accumulator accu, Extractor ex) Computes a fold left of the values of the image over an operation. 1) Uses a pair binary function and an initial value? 2) Use an accumulator/extractor pair.
(1) is equivalent to the following code:
for (auto&& v : in.values()) init = op(init, v); return init;
(2) is equivalent to the following code:
for (auto&& v : in.values()) accu.take(v); return accu.to_result();
(3) is equivalent to the following code:
for (auto&& v : in.values()) accu.take(v); return ex(accu);
- Parameters:
in – The input image.
op – A binary operator
init – The initial value to sum
accu – The accumulator or feature
ex – The value extractor from the accumulator
- Template Parameters:
InputImage – A model of
Accumulator – A model of
template<class Accumulator>
Sum up the values of an image:
mln::image2d<uint8_t> ima = { {1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6} }; int s = mln::accumulate(ima, 0, std::plus<int>());
Sum up the values of an image with an accumulator:
#include <mln/accu/accumulators/sum.hpp> mln::image2d<uint8_t> ima = { {1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6} }; int s = mln::accumulate(ima, mln::accu::features::sum<>());
Linear in the number of pixels.