
Include <mln/core/box.hpp>


Class hierarchy diagrams for boxes. They all implement the __BoxInterface but differ in the storage and the compile-time number of dimension:

  • ndbox provide box types with value semantics (they own the coordinates array). Box uses a dynamic array while box*N*d use a static array storage

  • nbboxref provide box types with reference semantics (they borrow the coordinates array). BoxRef and ConstBoxRef supports dynamic array bound while boxNd_ref and const_boxNd_ref provide compile-time bound checking.

template<int ndim>
class ndbox

ndbox represents a n-dimensional box over a grid. The number of dimensions can be known at compile time or dynamic ndim = -1. It is a container (own the value).

ndbox() = default

Default constructor. Creates an empty box.

template<class B>
ndbox(const B &other)

Converting constructor from any box implementing the __BoxInterface. This overload is enabled only if B is compatible with ndbox and ndim == (-1 || other.ndim).

ndbox(ConstBoxRef p1, ConstBoxRef p2)

Creates a box starting at p1 and ending at p2 (excluded). The dimension of p1 and p2 must match and should match ndim if the box has static storage.

ndbox(int width)

Creates a 1D box with the given width starting at 0. Only available when ndim == -1 or ndim = 1.

ndbox(int width, int height)

Creates a 2D box with the given (width, height) starting at (0,0). Only available when ndim == -1 or ndim = 2.

ndbox(int width, int height, int depth)

Creates a 3D box with the given (width, height, depth) starting at (0,0,0). Only available when ndim == -1 or ndim = 3.

ndbox(int width, int height, int depth, int duration)

Creates a 4D box with the given (width, height, depth, duration) starting at (0,0,0,0). Only available when ndim == -1 or ndim = 4.

template<int ndim>
class ndboxref

ndboxref represents a n-dimensional box over a grid. The number of dimensions can be known at compile time or dynamic ndim = -1. It has a constant reference semantic and should be used as a function parameter only.

ndboxref(const B &other)

Converting constructor from any box implementing the __BoxInterface. This overload is enabled only if B is compatible with ndboxref, i.e. if ndim == (-1 || other.ndim).


using Box = ndbox<-1>
using box1d = ndbox<1>
using box2d = ndbox<2>
using box3d = ndbox<3>
using ConstBoxRef = ndboxref<-1>
using const_box1d_ref = ndboxref<1>
using const_box2d_ref = ndboxref<2>
using const_box3d_ref = ndboxref<3>


Read-Only box Interface

template<int ndim, class T>
class __boxInterface
using coord_type = T
int dim() const

return the number of dimension

constexpr int size(int k) const noexcept

Return the number of elements in the k-th dimension of the box

constexpr bool empty() const noexcept

Return true if the box is empty

constexpr int width() const noexcept

Returns the width of the box

constexpr int height() const noexcept

Returns the height of the box (available for dim() >= 2)

constexpr int depth() const noexcept

Returns the depth of the box (available for dim() >= 3)

constexpr coord_type tl(int k) const noexcept

Returns the k-th coordinate of the top-left corner point

constexpr coord_type br(int k) const noexcept

Returns the k-th coordinate of the bottom-right corner point (past-the-end)

box Interopability

Any two boxs p₁ and p₂ of types P₁ and P₂ are said compatible if their value types are compatible and if they have the same number of dimensions (p₁.dim() == p₂.dim()). They thus share a common_reference (std::CommonReference˂P₁,P₂˃).

  • Conversion

    Two compatible boxs are convertible to each other (std::Convertible).


    mln::box2d p1 = {x, y};
    mln::ndbox<2, long> p2 = p1; // Ok (int to long conversion)
    mln::box p3 = p1;            // Ok (static to dynamic conversion)
    mln::box2d p4 = p3;          // Ok (dynamic to static conversion with run-time dim assertion)

Mutable box Interface


template<int ndim, class T>
class __MutableboxInterface
using coord_type = T
T *data()

Return a boxer to the mutable coordinates array.