Compute the alpha tree (also known as quasi-flat zone hierarchy) and returns a pair
(tree, node_map). See Component Trees (Overview) for more information about the
representation of tree. The implementation is based on the Kruskal algorithm [Naj13].
input – The input image
nbh – The neighborhood
dist – The function weighting the edges between two pixels. For grayscale images, this is generally the absolute difference between two values.
A pair (tree, node_map) where tree is of type component_tree<std::invoke_result_t<F,image_value_t<Image>,image_value_t<Image>>> and node_map is a mapping between the image pixels and the node of the tree.
std::invoke_result_t<F,image_value_t<Image>,image_value_t<Image>> is std::totally_ordered
where \(d\) is a dissimilarity function between two pixels of the image \(f\).
The \(\alpha\)-connected components form an ordered sequence when \(\alpha\) is growing, such that for \(\alpha_i < \alpha_j\),
\(\alpha_i-CC(p) \subseteq \alpha_j-CC(p)\). Thus, the alphatree is the hierarchy where the parenthood relationship represents the inclusion of the
\(\alpha\)-connected components.
The alphatree function returns a tree and a node map. The tree has two attributes:
parent: The parenthood relationship of the node \(i\), representing the inclusion relationship of the \(\alpha\)-connected components.
values: The value of \(\alpha\) assigned to a node \(i\).
Then, the node map is the relation between a pixel of the image and its related node in the tree, a leaf for the case of the alphatree.
The image above illustrates the representation of the alpha tree in Pylene, the parenthood relationship being illustrated in arrows, the values of alpha, assigned to each node, being in red, and the relation
between a node of the tree and a pixel of the image being represented by blue dashed lines.
This example is used to generate the grayscale lena cut with a threshold of 3 below.
#include<mln/accu/accumulators/mean.hpp>#include<mln/morpho/alphatree.hpp>#include<mln/core/image/ndimage.hpp>#include<mln/core/neighborhood/c4.hpp>mln::image2d<uint8_t>input=...;// Compute the alpha treeauto[tree,node_map]=mln::morpho::alphatree(input,mln::c4);// Compute an attribute (for example the average pixels value at each node, as below)automean=t.compute_attribute_on_values(node_map,input,mln::accu::accumulators::mean<uint8_t>());// Making an horizontal cut of the treeconstautothreshold=3;// Threshold of the horizontal cut, that means the lowest alpha in the cutautonodemap_cut=t.horizontal_cut(threshold,node_map);// Return a new nodemap associated to the cut// Labelizing the cut with the mean values of each nodeautoout=t.reconstruct_from(nodemap_cut,ranges::make_span(mean));// Using range-v3 span
Laurent Najman, Jean Cousty, and Benjamin Perret (2013). Playing with kruskal: algorithms for morphological trees in edge-weighted graphs. International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology and Its Applications to Signal and Image Processing. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. 135-146