Image views
Lazy computation of images
Illustration of view performing a thresholding.
Pylene enables the computation of images on the fly. It means that the values are not stored in memory but computed when needed. It enables to perform optimizations by evaluating images only at the every last moment, e.g. in the expression:
mln::image2d<uint8_t> u;
auto h = [](int x) -> bool { return x < 150; }
auto v = mln::transform(u, h);
v is an image that does not store the values in memory but evaluates v(x) = u(x) <
for each element on the fly. In this example, h is not writable as h(x) =
is not a valid expression.
views can be seen as the table views used in some SQL engines. Tables are in-memory storage of data and views are some virtual tables. Depending on the way columns are generated in views, they can be writable or not.
Fundamental image views
auto g = mln::view::transform(f, fun)
Return an image g defined by:
g(p) = fun(f(p))
if fun is a function on the value type of f
auto g = mln::view::zip(f₁, f₂, ..., fₙ)
Return an image g where values are formed by the tuple of each value in fᵢ, i.e.,
g(p) = <f₁(p), f₂(p), ..., fₙ(p)>
auto g = mln::view::filter(f, pred)
- Return an image g from f restricted on the domain defined by:
\(\{ p \mid pred(f(p)) \}\) if if pred is a function on the value type of f.
auto g = mln::view::clip(f, subdomain)
Return an image g from f restricted to subdomain.
Lazy images operators
Arithmetical, logical and comparison operations
f, g, h are images of value type: V1, V2, R
s is a scalar of type S
All arithmetical and logical operators on images return a view where values will be computed on the fly. The value type of the view will be the common type between operand types (note that integer promotion will performed during the computation but then casted to the common type). For example:
mln::image2d<uint8_t> f, g;
auto h = f + g; // V1 = uint8_t, V2 = uint8_t, R = uint8_t
auto h = f + 2; // V1 = uint8_t, V2 = int, R = int
auto h = -f; // V1 = uint8_t, R = uint8_t
auto h = - mln::view::cast<int>(f); // V1 = int, R = int
auto h = (f == g); // V1 = uint8_t, V2 = int, R = bool
Element-wise negate |
Element-wise logical not |
Element-wise binary addition |
Element-wise binary soustraction |
Element-wise binary multiplication |
Element-wise binary division |
Element-wise logical and |
Element-wise logical or |
Element-wise ternary condition |
Element-wise less than |
Element-wise greater than |
Element-wise less or equal than |
Element-wise greater or equal than |
Element-wise equal to |