Opening and Closing by Dynamic
Include <mln/morpho/area_filter.hpp>
image_concrete_t<I> dynamic_opening(I f, Neighborhood nbh, int h) -
image_concrete_t<I> dynamic_closing(I f, Neighborhood nbh, int h) On grayscale images, the dynamic connected opening removes maxima whose dynamic is below a given value where the dynamic stands for the difference between the lowest and highest value of the component. In [Soi13], it refers to the notion of h-extrema filtering that suppresses all maxima whose depth is lower or equal to a given threshold level h. This is achieved by performing the reconstruction by dilation of f from \(f - h\).
Dynamic opening with a depth h=3. The blue function is the original image f and is light gray is the opening.
- Parameters:
f – Input image 𝑓
nbh – Elementary structuring element.
h – The minimal dynamic to preserve a component
- Returns:
An image whose type is deduced from the input image
- Exception:
Soille, P. (2013). Morphological image analysis: principles and applications. Springer Science & Business Media.